Copyright and Legal

It takes a great deal of time and effort to produce this content. I have also invested a great deal of time writing, travelling and staring blankly at things hoping they make sense. I have also invested money in buying equipment, as well as hunting down source material in various forms; glass plates, collodions, and prints and negatives aren’t necessarily cheap. Please respect this.

Most of the photos and content on this site are my copyright and are All Rights Reserved. Where the copyright belongs to another party permission to use them has been sought, the rights remain with them. Copyright and ownership is embedded in the metadata of the photographs. Where rights are combined; such as the rephotography work the copyright of the original remains with the original copyright holder unless I hold an original copy of an out of copyright piece from which scans were taken. Text content is copyright of the author or authors unless credited otherwise or implicitly stated and named in either the article or footnote, where text is quoted the rights remains with the original author or their estate.

Photographers and writers work on the internet is not free stock or free content, if you wish to use something online or in print, you are required to ask permission. Please, however do share the website from source. Please do not orphan the work from source.

Unlicensed use of work for commercial output will result in a DCMA and an invoice based on industry standard charges for licensing images and per word charges for any text.

Commercial enquiries

All commercial enquiries should be directed either via via email on

Improper use of any content will result in legal action and retrospective usage costs. This is applicable under misuse of copyright materials in the UK, US and RoW under the applicable laws of each country. You will receive a DCMA takedown request and in all probability an invoice.

Educational use


Go for it. If you are a student producing a project for school or college on the Norwich Blitz or whatever really, and wish to use them, please do so. An email from you (or your mum, dad or carer) is nice but not essential, I’m always quite chuffed when I find Blitz ghosts out in the wild in classrooms, or get sent photos of your work using my work using someone else’s work, the circle is complete.


I am okay with teachers and educationalists using my work as teaching aids, be it history, geography, photography, archaeology or even how to use too many commas. Please let me know, or permission if possible. This applies Primary and High Schools, Further and Higher Education using images in lessons for teaching.

This does not include use in textbooks or items for sale in any way. Please email for licensing.

Private schools. Licensing charges apply, please email me for fees.

I would appreciate an email rather than assumption either way. Assumption causes offense, and usually invoices.


Books and publications

Talk to me, I do need to earn a living, but I’m also happy to support mad schemes every now and again, willing and happy to negotiate and offer up free stuff now and again – email here.


Don’t copy my work and pass it off as yours, it’s offensive, do your own. This includes Ad Farms, syndicated sites and all that type of stuff. If I or my coven from hell see it, my legal representatives will be in touch and you will be sent a takedown request and an invoice.

Social Media

I don’t mind people sharing images, but please credit and link back to my site. Orphaned work is annoying. I do occasionally pursue repeat offenders.


Prints and posters as well as limited run books are available in the web-shop and also through some stockists. These are part of the lifeblood of what I do, buying things helps me carry on doing it outside of paying the bills for actually staying alive, eating etc. They are all my copyright, you know the drill, blah blah and indeed blah.


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Artificial intelligence

To not put to finer point on it, that and all the tech bros who support it can get fucked (sorry mum). I’ve already found my work in repositories. Annoying, make it stop.

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