Once you get past the nexus of Vikings, Lollards, and antifa missionaries. You are faced with a recent piece of change...

Once you get past the nexus of Vikings, Lollards, and antifa missionaries. You are faced with a recent piece of change...
I’ve recently been trying to get back into the habit of walking again, going out at all if I’m honest. I started...
This painting is by John Wonnacott. He taught us life drawing at the Norwich School of Art (Now NUA) in the first...
St Mary – The Chapel in the fields One of the most intriguing things about any landscape urban or rural isn’t so much...
This is the work of Fraser White. In 2018 he created this using Google Maps to list all the pubs in Norwich possible,...
A while back I wrote something about Swafield, which you can find here. I visited it for various reasons, one of which...
I've realised recently I rarely write about the city itself, or at least I don't on here. This is actually based on...
Rosary Cemetery My inclination was to put this into the hidden history category, but then I remembered how often I end...
This post is a short one, more of a response to this post and the photo which was found in a jumble sale in 2016 by...
I've been to Greenwich twice in my life once when I was at school, I can't remember why except we looked at the Cutty...
Ring-roads, go round and past. Nature of the beast I suppose, circling. Norwich is blessed with ever-increasing...
Viking and Anglo-Saxon Norwich We live here. It is easy to forget where Norwich comes from, we take our surroundings...
It's an odd little memorial just off the side of the Road near the football pitches near Gilman Road. I'm not entirely...
It's odd where you end up in conversations, the same is true in a digital landscape as it is in an analogue one. In...
Norwich, city of culture twenty err something eventually, home of the world's first pre-cast concrete sectional...
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