The Flatland Press formed as an idea in around 2013 and became something we started to look at seriously around five years later – The idea was to create an outlet for unlikely publications – projects that most publishers wouldn’t be interested in, books that would be considered too small, esoteric, niche, or strange to make any money from. We aren’t interested in being a normal publisher.

The Flatland Press isn’t profit motivated. Our aim to cover costs, pay the creator, and then dig any remaining profit back into producing more small things. With a background in design we understand what is involved in producing printed material and the expense it can involve – as a result the idea is to keep the runs small, we also intend to keep the publications as affordable as possible. Our main aim is to put out interesting things; books, pamphlets and ‘zines; series of work by artists, photographers, makers, craftspeople, writers, poets or wordsmiths, and all the resultant combinations those can and do create. It is an act of forcing these things to exist in a real sense that would probably otherwise only appear on social media, or hidden away in pixels in dusty corners of the internet.

Producing small batch books and pamphlets of things we like

Norwich | Norfolk

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Books and pamphlets

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