Transient Random-Noise Bursts With Announcements


Get yourself a random test print or something similar from my mysterious swear box, complete with a squiggle on the back in Rotring pen cheap which might be my signature and a date, a rude message, or a stolen lyric or a bit of a random poem or something, there’s no telling. Limited amounts of everything obviously, and when they’re gone they’re gone until I mess something else up slightly, or want to try something out and print it and it just sits there.

Small – about A6 or 6″ x 4″ are £7
including £2 P&P (board backed envelope 1st)

Medium – about A4 or 12″ x 8″ £16
including £5 P&P (tubed, signed for 1st)

Large – about A3 or 18″ x 12″ £20
including £5 P&P (tubed, signed for 1st)


SKU: Random prints Category:


Due to the sheer number of test prints, misprints, slight wrong sized things, oddities and bits and bobs I generate I’ve decided to start selling them as a cheap clearance item. They come in three sizes, and can be anything from 6″ x 4″ to 19″ x 13″ or anywhere in between. Some are things you’ll find in the shop I was testing, others were just images I was curious to see how they’d print and fitted them onto sheets with other items, some aren’t quite in the middle of the sheet which really bugs me but you don’t notice so much if you stick them in a frame. A few are slightly odd and in some ways all the better for it. I’ll sign the backs of each one and if you’re lucky when the pints and pies finally catch up with me and my ethereal majesty is finally recognised they might be worth the 5 to 15 pounds you paid for them. Someone will eventually get something they like, and I won’t have a box of stuff that makes my lip tremble at the cost of pigment and paper I waste messing around doing this stuff before the sallow light of the morning.

Additional information


Small, Medium, Large