Tim Fox-Godden is friend who prints and illustrates, he also originates from the same area of Norfolk as me, he strolls down many of the same psychological byways and holloways as me and occasionally our paths cross. He has produced this rather lovely linocut as a response to the re-ignition of his own personal relationship with Black Shuck.

“Growing up in North Norfolk I can vividly remember tales of the Black Shuck being told to me by a teacher keen on local folklore. I can remember, too, those walks home on a winter’s eve, petrified that I would bump into the Shuck and die within the year. It is a tale that continues to pique my interest. The Shuck stories are part of East Anglian heritage, part of the story of this often overlooked promontory of the east coast. Hardly a school child of my generation (and hopefully others since) did not know of the Shuck. With this linocut I have tried to capture some of the elements of folklore that make up the Shuck I know and in a way that reflects the old story telling that influenced me as a boy.”

Tim Fox-Godden

Should you wish to purchase a copy of the print there may still be some available here.

Shuck 2