Ah, now I’ve got you lost too.


And that will be England gone,
The shadows, the meadows, the lanes,
The guildhalls, the carved choirs.
There’ll be books; it will linger on
In galleries; but all that remains
For us will be concrete and tyres.

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Jess Macdonald

Jess Macdonald

For anyone who knew her - especially from the old Twitter mob, Jess Macdonald (@Jessikart) left us late in the evening of Tuesday the 2nd of January. She passed with her mum Meryl and her sister Abi by her side. She was one of my best friends, a funny, feisty, riot...

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Nick Groves

Nick Groves

Nick and I used to speculate a lot between us about the various assortments of stone we’d spot in buildings which probably didn’t originate there. Some of it came from demolished churches, you can find them dotted about like solidified memory in walls and buildings...

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Mark Watson

Mark Watson

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Finding Crome

Finding Crome

Nick Stone is a contemporary photographer, writer and visual artist, he is the creative mind behind ‘Crome’s Norwich: 1821-2021‘, a photographic exhibition on display at the Museum of Norwich exploring the artist John Crome’s relationship with his native city. It...

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The Norwich Bomb map – Digitised

The Norwich Bomb map – Digitised

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All the cars I’ve ever known

All the cars I’ve ever known

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Marking time

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What remains – ghosts 1

What remains – ghosts 1

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Crome’s Norwich

Crome’s Norwich

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St Augustines 2010 to 2020

St Augustines 2010 to 2020

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