The Blitz
Various material to do with air raids on the British mainland, stories, rephotography and ghosting of photos of the Norwich raid and the Baedeker Blitz of 1942 including the Blitz Ghosts series of photographs.
Blitz Ghost – St Andrews
This is Harmer's Factory on St Andrews Broad Street in Norwich on the 18th March 1943 and the 2nd March 2012, almost seventy years., it's also a weird bit of land with not much on it, sort of an entrance to a car park of sorts. Harmer's was hit several times, firstly...
Tom Brittan’s Blitz
In 2012, I received a few emails from a chap called Tom Brittan who now lives in France. I''ll let him recount his story pretty much unedited; he lived just off the Unthank road and vividly remembers the bombs falling and the aftermath. My most vivid recollection of...
Norwich in flames
Norwich in Flames: Here are a selection of George Swain's camera melting exploits. Originally photographed in Black and White. I colourised these, based on looking at modern colour photos of fires and then painting them in, very simply to be honest. They depict the...
Imagined futures past: ’45 Plan
After the bombs had fallen wrecking a large area of the city centre and indeed laid waste to a huge amount of the city's housing stock around the fringes of the city and out into the Norfolk Countryside, The Corporation started to explore some brave new ideas; these...
Live tweeting: Norwich Blitz 2
29th and 30th April 1942. Again a live tweet of the Norwich Blitz, the second Baedeker Raid. [View the story "Norwich Blitz - Raid 2, live tweets" on Storify]
Live tweeting: Norwich Blitz 1
I've been left slightly speechless by the response to a something I did last night on the spur of a moment relating to The Norwich Blitz. I have a head full of stuff relating to lots of things, the inner nerd has lots of strange habits, and whilst mulling over whether...
Norwich Baedeker blitz: The Lockwoods
The Lockwood family lived at number 65 Rosebery Road in Norwich, a very ordinary little house in a row of terraces nestling in the sea of shoe factory workers houses between St Clements Hill and Angel Road, not far from Angel Road School. In the Picture above we have...
Rephotography: Ghosting history
I should of course have done a piece on the Ghosts stuff properly ages ago, but time passes and what one minute seems to be the important and interesting bit of whatever you're doing suddenly isn't as much as it was three or four years ago. The recent conservation of...
City Station Norwich
A Blitz Ghost of the Portico of City Station, just at the bottom of Barn Road in Norwich being dismantled by one man and a hammer. The Station was bombed on the first night of the raids. Not built on entirely solid ground it was already cracked, the weight of brick on...
A Dornier in a car park.
Not something you see every day. This is the Norwich Dornier, a Do 17z Number U5 EA. The same one featured in various photos of Eaton Park in Norwich, Sitting there like a giant Airfix kit being winched onto a flat back. A German Dornier Do17z in bits in the car park...